Menstrual cramp treated at venkata Padma hospital

Menstrual Cramps - dysmenorrhea​

Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) are throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Many women have menstrual cramps just before and during their menstrual periods. 

For some women, the discomfort is merely annoying. For others, menstrual cramps can be severe enough to interfere with everyday activities for a few days every month. 

Conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids can cause menstrual cramps. Treating the cause is key to reducing the pain. Menstrual cramps that aren’t caused by another condition tend to lessen with age and often improve after giving birth – check for plagiarism and give in your way

Menstrual cramps - treated at Venkata Padma Hospital Vizianagaram

Causes of Menstrual Cramps

Primary Dysmenorrhea:

   – Most menstrual cramps are a result of primary dysmenorrhea, which is not associated with any other medical condition. It usually begins 1-2 days before menstruation and may last from 2 to 4 days. These cramps are caused by the uterus contracting to shed its lining.

Secondary Dysmenorrhea:

   – In some cases, menstrual cramps can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. These conditions can cause more intense and prolonged menstrual pain. Treating the underlying cause is crucial to alleviating the pain.


Apart from lower abdominal pain, menstrual cramps can be accompanied by symptoms such as:

– Dull, continuous ache

– Sharp or intense spasmodic pain

– Pain radiating to the lower back and thighs

– Nausea and vomiting

– Diarrhea

– Headaches

 Treatment and Management:

1. Pain Relief Medications:

   – Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps by inhibiting prostaglandin production, which is responsible for uterine contractions and pain.

2. Heat Therapy:

   – Applying a heating pad to the lower abdomen can relax the muscles and provide relief from cramps. Warm baths or showers can also have a similar soothing effect.

3. Exercise and Relaxation Techniques:

   – Regular physical activity, such as walking or yoga, can help reduce menstrual cramps by improving blood circulation and reducing stress. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation can also be beneficial.

 When to Seek Medical Attention:

If menstrual cramps are severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, such as heavy bleeding, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider. They can conduct tests to rule out underlying conditions and recommend appropriate treatments.

Menstrual cramps are a common part of many women’s lives, their impact can vary widely. Understanding the underlying cause, managing symptoms with appropriate methods, and seeking medical advice when necessary are key steps in dealing with menstrual cramps effectively.

If you are experiencing severe menstrual cramps dont ignore but rush to the specialist. Visit Venkata Padma Hospital in Vizianagaram and seek expert guidance from Dr.Padma Kumari to get treated for your menstrual cramps